First Executable!


We are happy to announce that we have uploaded the very first executable of our game!

It's the demo of our tutorial, so for now it only teaches you how to jump and attack on a very simple and short scenario.

  • Added Character Commands: Now you make a low attack using the button F.
  • Added Tutorial Scenario (still in develop): New Tutorial scenario where you will learn how to use your main character.
  • Added Arrow (still in develop): When using low attack an arrow will be shoot and will bounce when it collides.

Don't be afraid of testing it and leaving on the comment section what do you think about it, how it feels and if you can notice anything that interrupts or bothers your gaming experience.

As always thank you for your support and until next time, bye!


Make_it_Count.exe 36 MB
Sep 11, 2022

Get Make it Count

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