Update and Adjustments


We have just released a new update! The changes include:

  • Enemies: Added new Skeleton Enemy. For now, if you touch it you'll be thrown back.
  • Menu: Added a new Menu for the Pause, that you can access by using the "esc" button. It includes the option of going back to the Main Menu, Resume  or Quitting the game.
  • Adjustments: Before you could run while doing a Normal or High Attack. This glitch was fixed and now the animation will be canceled if you interrupt it for running.
  • Implementation Changes: Now all attacks (Normal, Low and High) will use the same arrow, but each attack will have their own strength, speed and bounciness.

Here are some previous of the update.

We hope that you enjoy the new changes. Any suggestion or comment is always well received as well as  a really helpfull way for us to improve the game. Thank you for your support and until next time, bye!

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