Tutorial update


We just uploaded an update for the game that includes the following changes:

  •  Added Tutorial Level: We have redesigned the tutorial so it can be more suitable for the game
  • Added Scarecrow: We added a Scarecrow so players can practice their shooting abilities.
  • Added Death by Arrow Loss: Now, if you lose your arrow you'll die, so be careful not to waste it.
  • Added Tutorial Dialogues: Now when the player spend a lot of time without  knowing what button to press, a dialogue will appear to teach him how to continue.
  • Arrow adjustments : We adjusted the speed and capacity of the high arrow shooting.
  • Jump adjustments: We improved the jump capacity of the archer so he can reach  major highs.

Make sure to leave a comment below and tell us what do you think of this changes. Any suggestion or comment is always well received as well as  a really helpful way for us to improve the game. Thank you for your support and until next time, bye!


Make_it_Count.exe 41 MB
Nov 21, 2022

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